L2A - Anthropology Marks in IAS/CSE
One thing that is an integral part of any examination is the marks that you score in it, especially when it comes to competitive exams like UPSC. Even the slightest difference in the marks is a matter of great concern. Only the aspirants know the value of even 0.5 marks. That's why no aspirant wants to take any chance even for a single mark and tries to adopt strategies and subjects that will help them in fetching more marks in the examination. It sounds good theoretically when we say marks don’t matter, but we all know the truth. Losing even the tiniest of marks can stop you from achieving your dreams and becoming the IAS officer to serve your country. No aspirant wants to trade off their marks at any cost. And why would they? Marks do matter when it comes to clearing competitive examinations. UPSC being the toughest examination in the country demands not just mere willingness to become the IAS Officer but full dedication and honest efforts to make your dreams come true. One of ...